Power gains from a sports catalyst
Catalysts are a vital component in our modern tree hugging environmentally conscious society. First TorqueCars will look at what a catalyst does and how it works.
A catalyst is actually a term used to explain anything which accelerates or performs a chemical reaction. In a car the exhaust fumes are fed through a matrix of ceramic honeycomb lined with precious metals.
Remaps for diesel enginesOur members frequently talk about their latest mods and power figures. Many of our members have remapped their diesel engines and boast of more power, better economy and unchanged reliability.
But do the claims live up to reality? What sort of power figures can you get from a diesel remap? Diesels have really come so far in a very short time.
Fitting a remote turbo charger kitsRemote turbo charger kits "Remote turbo – local power" There is a growing trend in the car tuning community of […]
Building a 10 second carWe look at what it takes to build a 10 second car and examine the power and weight requirements to reach the sub 11 second goal on the drag strip.
Follow our tips and you can make a 10 second car quite cheaply and within your budget with some power mods and serious weight reduction.